
Vicia cracca L.

Tufted vetch

source: Gregory Phillips (2004), publisher Wikimedia Commons  (GFDL license)
source: Gregory Phillips (2004), publisher Wikimedia Commons (GFDL license)


GrinTax Vicia cracca L.
The Plant list Vicia cracca L.
English name Tufted vetch

Crop relationship
Faba bean same genus
French vetch same genus
Hungarian vetch same genus
Lentil vetch same genus
Fodder vetch same genus
Single-flowered vetch same genus

FLORON data (2014)
Indigeneity native
Trend since 1950 stable or increasing
Presence common
Status least concern
Legal protection unlisted

© NDFF, 2015
© NDFF, 2015

Legend distribution maps

upper map:

  • red: locations of presence from year 2000 onwards
  • blue: previous localities where the species has not been observed anymore after 1999.
  • source:

- - - - - - - - - -

lower map:

Distribution area
Europe temperate and cool zones
Asia idem
Africa some locations
North-America temperate and cool zones
South-America some locations
Australia some locations
source:, 2015
source:, 2015

Expected distribution due to climate change

Expected distribution area in 2070 in the European region and in the Netherlands compared with current suitable areas under an optimistic and a pessimistic climate change scenario (see: About CWRnl / Methodology). Click on a map to enlarge.


Optimistic scenario

Distribution data GBIF, February 2017. doi:10.15468/dl.bdi38c
Distribution data GBIF, February 2017. doi:10.15468/dl.bdi38c

Pessimistic scenario


Additional information